Find the Mistake in the Photo

Find the mistake in the photo

The answer is: 1. The girl’s face is turned backwards in the shadow. 2. There is only the shadow of the girl in the picture and not of any other object.

Categories Fun

Who is less intelligent in the picture?

Four people on the tree are trying to take down their opponents as quickly as possible but in an unexpected way, who do you think is the less intelligent one? Ans: Man number 4 is the most foolish person because he is cutting the branch on which he is sitting.

Categories Fun

Who is pretending to be sick?

Look at the details carefully and guess who it is? Answer: Adam is the one pretending to be sick. His phone is in his right pocket, he definitely can’t use his broken arm to put it in his pocket.

Categories Fun

Move only 2 matchsticks

Move only 2 matchstics

Move only 2 matchsticks to make this animal turn its head back Answer: You just need to move 2 matches like that( shown in the picture) and you will get an animal that turns its head backwards.

Categories Fun

Only Boys Understand

Only boys understand

Explanation: That is, the appetite of a skinny person is almost higher than that of a muscular person. In the picture there will be a normal sausage eaten by a muscular person and a big sausage eaten by a skinny person. Well, what you are thinking is correct too;-)